Our Partners

Challedu- inclusion | games | education is a non-profit organization that pioneers new models of learning, inclusion and engagement. CHALLEDU constitutes one of the leading R&D experts in game-solutions for education and inclusion. Our team designs and implements playful experiences, games, formal and non-formal educational programs, tools, platforms and applications based on cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary approaches. We focus on 2 main sectors:

The projects of this sector focus on inclusion and empowerment of marginalized groups such as people with disabilities, people with health problems (eg. dementia), old people, NEETs. The aims are: inclusion in the society, improvement of employability, development of skills and competences, advocacy. The emphasis is given to create environments where people with different abilities, or cultural background or skills, or generations interact with each other. The approaches of this sector involves; non-formal or informal education, living labs, open co-creative workshops, game-based tools, and cross-sectoral approaches.

Education is considered from our team as the driver for positive societal, environmental, innovative change. The projects developed under this sector are focusing on promotion of Entrepreneurship, STE(A)M education, civic and active citizenship, Environmental challenges and agriculture, Culture, Sustainable development. The target groups are young people, adults, students, trainers and educators, professionals and institutions. Our approach includes forms of non-formal or informal education, game-based methodologies, Role-model methodology, open-learning and digital tools, gamification, as well as cross-sectoral approaches.

Website: www.challedu.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/Challedu

Instagram: www.instagram.com/challedu


The Institute of Vocational Training AKMI is the largest VET provider in Greece and one of the 7 largests in Europe. It was founded back in 1989 and today is active in 7 cities across Greece (Athens, Piraeus, Thessaloniki, Crete, Larissa, Rhodes, Chalkida) representing almost 60% of the total VET sector in the country providing post-secondary education, of EQF levels 3-5. Every year, approximately 14.600 active students are enrolled with the aim to study one of the 107 specialties, in more than 340 laboratories in 14 different sectors within more than 37.500 m2 of infrastructure across the country.
The fields of study in the campuses of Athens are numerous and in all of them, AKMI gives the students tools to collaborate and problem solve, brainstorm and reflect. Apart from the technical part of learning, the experienced educators ensure an inclusive community among the students and cultivate a safe environment, allowing them to open up, discover new directions and ultimately, helping them create a new mindset. Social Inclusion and Gender Gap are important issues for AKMI, which youth can reform and gradually resolve through education.
In one word, AKMI hopes that with proper education, the youth can become productive, scientific-oriented, broad-minded, and ideal citizens of the society as the society is significantly influenced by this category of people.
Excellency has been proven for AKMI S.A. multiple times with International and National Awards, including: Golden Award of Facility Design and Laboratory excellence & Golden Award for providing access to the labor market services in the 2017 Education Business Awards

AKMI has also numerous accreditations from different institutes and sectors e.g. Alain Ducasse Education, Pearson- The world’s leading learning company, ITEC- Education & Media Services, AHLEI- American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute etc.

Another important fact for AKMI is that is the only National Contact Point of European Vocational Skills Week in Greece, from 2020, an annual initiative of European Commission that aims to raise awareness of the benefits of Vocational Education and Training across Europe. AKMI as part of this network and as one of the key organizations working in VET across Europe will help to promote VET across Europe , boost the quality of VET, encourage local VET stakeholders to participate in EVS (European Vocational Skills) Week activities 

Finally, AKMI SA is the only Greek Centre of Vocational Excellence, partner of the European Network for Excellence, developed by the European Training Foundation. Members of the ETF Network for Excellence share a commitment to improving the functions, processes, organisational characteristics and relations with partners that characterise centres of vocational excellence.

Website: www.iek-akmi.edu.gr

Facebook: www.facebook.com/iekAKMIedu

Twitter: www.twitter.com/iekakmiedu

Citizens In Power (CIP) is an independent non-profit, non-governmental organization from Cyprus that addresses the needs and demands of people through their involvement in social and civic life, by simultaneously providing them innovative material and free trainings related with a variety of fields, such as education (including on-line education), inclusion, entrepreneurship and business, culture, labour market and lifelong learning.
CIP mainly aims at the development of education, entrepreneurship and lifelong learning in Cyprus and abroad. To achieve these targets CIP has an ongoing collaboration with the leading universities, schools, NGOs and research organizations in Cyprus for the development of projects, trainings and educational material. CIP retains a valuable network of professional trainers and educational experts experienced in both formal and non-formal education.

Website: www.citizensinpower.org

Facebook: www.facebook.com/citizensinpower

Research Institute for Technological Evolution (RITE) is a recently established non-for-Profit Research and Development organization, located in Nicosia-Cyprus. RITE has been created as a result of the collective experiences of distinguished scientists, -Academics, innovators and social entrepreneurs- who have been working for years in high-level Universities and Research Institutions, both in Cyprus and abroad. The mission of RITE is to contribute to the conduction of scientific and applied research with the aim to reinforce innovation, technology transfer, knowledge consolidation and policy reform, as main catalysts for the production of social value.
RITE’s five units are designed to provide open-minded professionals and collective groups -from educators, innovators and researchers to educational and policy making institutions, civic society organizations and start-ups- with holistic product solutions that employ cutting-edge technological innovations; while creating a fertile ground for the exchange of knowledge, scientific views and pioneering ideas, capable of leading to the contextualization of interdisciplinary approaches.

Website: www.ritecy.org

Facebook: www.facebook.com/RITEcyprus1

Digijeunes was thus set up in response to a lack of NGOs that specialize in utilizing digital sciences as a means to aid tackling social issues. More particularly, Digijeunes sets out to answer two major policy challenges identified by the European Commission as part of the Europe 2020 strategy to advance the European Union economy, namely (1) Promoting digital literacy, skills and inclusion (2) produce ICT-enabled benefits for EU society.

The objectives of the organization can be summed up as follows:

• Foster solidarity and social cohesion by encouraging the meeting and sharing of experiences between youngsters from different social, cultural, economical backgrounds.

• Shape active citizens, capable of contributing to the emergence of a participatory culture, especially through use of latest forms of technology

• Provide disadvantaged youngsters with opportunities for education and/or professional growth, especially in the domain of the digital and media industries

• Weaken the boundaries between formal and non-formal education on digital science

• Promote digital and media literacy and inform the general public to the growing importance of these types of skills and knowledge to face future economic, professional , social challenges.

Kalimera is a small business enterprise (SME) founded in Croatia in 2021 and managed by the owner with the support of external experts from the EU. Kalimera’s experts are highly educated individuals, specializing in the preparation and implementation of EU projects with many years of experience in project management of non-profit and for-profit organizations and public entities, such as educational institutions, tourist boards, municipalities and similar. Kalimera aims to provide creative solutions for clients across Europe through the preparation and implementation of EU funded projects.

Website: www.kalimera.hr

Facebook: www.facebook.com/kalimeracroatia